About Peter Fraenkel


Peter Fraenkel

Peter Fraenkel

Peter Fraenkel was born in 1926 into a middle-class Jewish family and grew up amidst the economic and political turmoil of the Weimar Republic that eventually led to the rise of Hitler to power in 1933.

Nazi oppressions grew year by year until Peter and his mother and father escaped in the nick of time just before the war began in 1939 and before the mass murders started.

Peter Fraenkel: Residing in: London, UK
Born 07-12-1926, Breslau (then Germany, now Poland).
Moved to Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) 1939 and then to England 1957.
Retired Controller of European Services, British Broadcasting Corporation.

Peter Fraenkel’s  Wikipedia entry

Peter Fraenkel